Basler Family Law focuses on your unique circumstances to help you get the best outcome for you and your family.
Divorce is never an easy time. Basler Family Law understands the emotional and practical complexities of divorce and is here to guide you through this process and make it as smooth and efficient as possible. Basler Family Law understands the sensitive nature of each case and takes the time to fight for the best outcome for you and your family. All families are different and what might be best for one family is not always best for your family. At Basler Family Law, we listen to what your family dynamic is and we will always ensure that we help you through this difficult time, with what is best for your family in mind.
A few general things to know about Colorado family law cases. Colorado is a “no-fault” state. This means that the court doesn’t care about who is “at fault” for the divorce. Many times, the circumstances and facts that led to the decision of divorce do not factor legally into the court proceedings. That means that many of the personal reasons for divorce will not factor into property division or maintenance. Colorado doesn’t care about if someone was unfaithful to the other. What Colorado cares about is how to effectively and efficiently get marriages that are irretrievably broken separated and disentangled in the most equitable way possible. There are, however, exceptions to this. If children have been put in a harmful situation, if there are allegations of abuse to either children and/or his or her spouse, or if martial assets have been “burned through” unilaterally by one party, then those factors very well might be legally relevant. No matter the circumstances that have lead to your decision of divorce, Basler Family Law will help you get the most equitable outcome possible. Our goal is to make a foreign process easier for you, not harder. We strive to help you keep your focus on the future and the endless possibilities it may bring instead of focusing on the stressful process of divorce.
It is always a good idea to get a legal opinion from an experienced family law attorney. This applies to high conflict, low conflict, and even non-contested divorces. The attorneys at Basler Family Law are experienced in getting the best outcomes for our clients and advocating for the best interests of your children. We will always be honest with you, even if that means telling you something that you do not want to hear.
Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce
When you go through a divorce in Colorado, it will either be a contested or an uncontested divorce. An uncontested divorce is the easiest option. This is when you and the other party come to an agreement, either with or without attorneys. The agreement is then submitted to the court. Most times, the court will hold a brief uncontested hearing and grant the agreement after the 91-day statutory waiting period. Even if you and your spouse are completely amicable and agree on everything, it is always better to have an experienced family law attorney review the agreement. The attorneys at Basler Family Law know what potential conflicts may arise down the line and can help ensure that you and your spouse don’t sign an agreement with gray areas or loopholes that can cause conflict in the future.
Most divorces are contested divorces. This is when one spouse files and the other spouse needs to respond to the allegations in the petition. There are many procedural steps and deadlines throughout the process. You may have court appearances including an Initial Status Conference and Temporary and Permanent Orders Hearings. Mediation will also be required along the way.
You and your spouse will also be required to file a sworn financial statement with the court, exchange mandatory financial disclosures pursuant to Colorado Rule of Civil Procedure 16.2, and take a parenting class if you have children. The financial part of a divorce can become very complex and it is always best to have an experienced family law attorney review your financials to ensure that they are done correctly and accurately. Having an attorney to guide you through these detailed and lengthy processes ensures that your position is being advocated for in the best possible way. Basler Family Law attorneys have handled hundreds of family law cases and are here to both explain all the steps and processes involved in a divorce, as well as, help you complete these steps efficiently.
Parenting and Divorce – Coming to an Agreement
If you are a parent, the most important part of the divorce will likely be devising a Parenting Plan that is in the best interests of your child (ren). Your Parenting Plan will include an allocation of parenting time and decision-making responsibilities for your child(ren). Child support will also be calculated. Parents are able to modify parenting plans either permanently or on a case by case basis. It is important to make sure the parenting plan is detailed and thorough. Loopholes or gray areas in a parenting plan often lead to conflict between parents, which is never in the best interest of the child(ren).
When determining parenting time and decision-making responsibilities, the court always wants what is best for the child(ren). The attorneys at Basler Family Law will do all they can to ensure that your child(ren)’s best interest are represented either in a stipulated parenting plan or in a parenting plan ordered by the court.
Child support is more of a straightforward process. The court looks at both parents’ gross income, the number of children, the number of overnights the child(ren) have with each parent, any health insurance or childcare expenses incurred by either party, as well as a handful of other factors. These factors are put into a statutory calculation and it determines what the child support obligation will be.
Colorado requires that parents take a parenting class as part of the divorce process. The attorneys at Basler Family Law also give you additional tools that can help you parent your child(ren) moving forward. At Basler Family Law, we work diligently to help you and your child(ren) move forward in a positive way. A divorce is the end of a chapter in someone’s life. At Basler Family Law, we strive to help your future chapters be the best that they can be.
Can You File for Divorce in Colorado?
Before you begin the divorce process, it’s important to know if you can file for divorce in Colorado. The state of Colorado has a residency requirement in place. You or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least 91 days before you can file for divorce in Colorado.
We Are on Your Side
Going through a divorce is one of the most difficult things you will do in your life. You are likely overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. Basler Family Law is here for you every step of the way to help alleviate the stress and guide you through the process. With us at your side, you won’t have to worry about fighting for what is equitable and in the best interests of your children. We will do it for you, all while helping you do what is best for your family. We strive to not only help you through the divorce process, but also to help set you and your family up for future success and happiness. You have a whole life ahead of you, and we want it to be the best it can be.